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Minutes 10-22-13
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                        Meeting MinutesDate:            

Date:           October 22, 2013

Present:        Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Sarto Caron, Associate

7:00 PM The minutes for October 8 were read and accepted with changes noted.
                The Board discussed general business.
                The Board had an informal discussion with Darren Nguyen. A meeting was scheduled for            October 23 regarding issues with his property at 32 Evelyn Drive.

7:30 PM Special Permit Request Continuance
                Darlene DePeau
                5 Shore Drive     R01-A-06     Book 14660     Page 258

                The Board accepted the project as proposed. Voting in favor of the project were
                Fred Beaulieu, Don Beal, and Ron Seaburg. Not voting-Sarto Caron.

7:45 PM Jack Keough discussed the Nguyen project. He will visit the site with Mr. Nguyen
                to verify foundation dimensions.

8:00 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ronald Seaburg